Modern Stories

In my Modern Stories blog, I explore how contemporary ceremonies can sit between the traditions we value and the modern lives we lead.

In my Modern Stories blog, I explore how contemporary ceremonies can sit between the traditions we value and the modern lives we lead.



Elizabeth Barrett Browning: The Best Thing in The World

Her sonnets normally take centre stage. This one's a little different  more  

Forough Farrokhzad: I Will Greet The Sun Again

One of my favourites from Iranian poet and icon Forough Farrokhzad. When it comes to readings and memorials, we can shy away from some poets because of the strength of their voice....  more  

A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

Whilst celebrants might avoid a poem which such a title, especially for modern ceremonies, this one stands the text of time.  more  

Darling by Jackie Kay

A beautiful reading on grief from a queer, Glaswegian, radical voice.  more  

Angelou on grief: When Great Trees Fall

An independent celebrant always needs a treasure trove of ideas and Angelou speaks beautifully to audiences in a way that few poets can.  more